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[打印] [關閉] 發(fā)布時間:[2010-01-11 00:00]

    在拉脫維亞的生產(chǎn)建筑材料sauriesi ,此種原材料的主要來源,石膏采石場幾公里之遠。采用爆破的方式進行自由開采的采礦方式。為了減少爆破對環(huán)境的影響,那么在開始在采石場開采時使用挖掘機所配備的阿特拉斯 HB 7000 DP 斷路器。爆破式的自由開采已經(jīng)成為數(shù)據(jù)挖掘,其日常生產(chǎn)的主要方式方法已經(jīng)達到了目標水平。




    剛開始生產(chǎn)本斷路器的目的是支持生產(chǎn)在采石場,用于各個地區(qū)靠近邊界位置。依據(jù)前三個月的爆破式,自由開采數(shù)據(jù)分析來看,爆破自由開采將成為主要的方法。阿特拉斯 HB 7000 DP 斷路器單元運行在兩個班次,預計一天的運作時間在15個小時左右。每天1100噸的目標達成薄薄的一層脆皮石,在該采石場科學、高效的運用爆破自由開采是最為理想的方式。


    阿特拉斯的新一代重型斷路器,需要從載體較少的液壓輸入。于此同時又,保持最大限度的沖擊性能。在可耐福石膏采石場與HB 7000 DP斷路器附件的挖掘機高效作業(yè),每日平均產(chǎn)量已達到1100噸的目標。

Blast-free mining meets production targets in Latvia

   Knauf Latvia produces construction materials in Sauriesi near Riga, the capital of Latvia. The main source of raw material is the company’s gypsum quarry a few kilometers away. Blasting was used as main mining method. To decrease blasting impacts on environment around the quarry for its mining operations the company is now using an excavator equipped with an Atlas Copco HB 7000 DP breaker. Although new to the operators, blast-free mining has become the main method at the site and the daily production of the breaker unit has already reached the target level.

   Blast-free mining is a chain of logistics in which all the links must fit together.At the beginning excavation was carried out by drilling and blasting. However, to decrease blasting impacts on environment, Knauf began looking at blast-free mining as an alternative. The company invested in a Liebherr R974 excavator equipped with an Atlas Copco HB 7000 DP breaker and the unit started production at the end of January.

   Jump start for production.Originally the breaker was intended to support production in the quarry and to be used in areas closer to deposit borders and residents. After the experiences of the first three months, blast-free mining has become the main method. The breaker unit runs in two shifts about 15 hours a day.
1100 tons per day target reached.

   Brittle stones on a thin layer are ideal for blast-free mining.Atlas Copco’s latest generation of heavy breakers requires less hydraulic input from the carrier while maintaining maximum impact performance. At the Knauf gypsum quarry the average production of the excavator with the HB 7000 DP breaker attachment has already reached the target of about 1100 tons per day.

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上海市金山區(qū)興塔鎮(zhèn)興坊路959號 郵政編碼: 201613
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