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Atlas Copco among top ranked companies in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

       Stockholm, Sweden, September 12, 2014: Atlas Copco, a leading provider of industrial productivity solutions, was again listed as one of the top companies in its industry in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 2014/2015. The index lists the world’s leading sustainability-driven companies.“It is gratifying that this well-respected index once again has chosen Atlas Copco for inclusion,” said Mala Chakraborti, Atlas Copco’s Vice President Corporate Responsibility. “It is the result of our continued hard work on sustainable productivity.”Atlas Copco was among the top tier in the Machinery & Electrical Equipment industry, scoring particularly well in the categories Environmental Policy/Management Systems, Environmental Reporting, and Risk & Crisis Management.

       The DJSI World index assesses some 2 500 public companies from around the world, and only 10% of those end up being included in the index. The index helps identify and measure the companies that represent an attractive investment opportunity by demonstrating an ability to manage sustainability issues. The companies were also analyzed on factors such as climate strategy, labor practices, occupational health and safety, and strategy for emerging markets.

       The DJSI ranking is based on research by RobecoSAM, a specialized and renowned investment group, in collaboration with S&P 500. Sustainability leaders are known to outperform their peers financially in the long term. Earlier this year Atlas Copco was ranked number seven globally in the Newsweek Green Rankings, one of the world’s foremost ranking on corporate sustainability. The company was also recognized by the annual Global 100 list, presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as one of the world’s most sustainable companies.

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